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How to choose the right amusement equipment for indoor children's playground?

Nowadays, indoor children's parks are becoming hotter and fiercer in the market. In order to seek welfare in this highly competitive market, in addition to having suitable venues, the equipment of children's playgrounds is also crucial. Choosing the right children's play equipment, then the park is half the battle. Choosing the right ride for investors is the key! However, many new investors do not know how to choose when they are faced with a wide variety of amusement equipment. The following Yougu Valley Children's Park will explain how to choose the right children's play equipment.
Kids Indoor Playground Equipment for Sale In South Africa

First, equipment safety and quality

Indoor children's playground equipment should be non-toxic and up to food grade standards. The quality of the amusement equipment must be safe and secure, and the normal operation of the amusement equipment is the most basic. If the customer has problems with your amusement equipment, it will definitely affect the mood of the customers. They will think of your products. Not good, this will lose some old customers, so in order to attract customers for a long time, you must let customers believe in your products.

Second, the appearance of the equipment is novel

For children, the beautiful appearance and colorfulness are the primary factors to be attracted. In today's serious homogenization, only the new amusement equipment is more competitive in the market, and the amusement equipment should be able to meet the various needs of children. Inspire your child's imagination and creativity so that they will naturally be welcomed by their children.

Third, the appropriate stage of play

The selection of equipment must not only meet the primary conditions of environmental protection and safety, but also choose equipment that meets the positioning of its own park. The selection of children's amusement equipment also needs to take into account the needs of children at different stages, such as:

0-2 years old: The growth rate of physique is slower than that of infancy, language and movement ability are obviously improved, and they will move around, but they have no sense of safety and self-protection, and are prone to accidents: they can choose building blocks, walkers, pictures, etc., or It is a toy that stimulates children to imitate their ability to speak, such as a pronunciation doll.

3-6 years old: Children's physical development continues to grow, there are still mild hands and feet inflexibility, careless and not quiet features: optional slides, combination slides, children's amusement park, naughty castle, children's playground, climbing.

6-14 years old: I like to play games with skill and intelligence: children's development park, rope net adventure, expansion park, climbing, adventure facilities and so on.

Fourth, equipment prices

The price is always a major aspect of the operator's consideration. Each customer's investment is different and may need to be changed. Under the combination of the above factors, how to select a good manufacturer in South Africa at the same price is our first consideration. Shop around to achieve quality and price, don't be greedy and cheap. The price is not necessarily good, the price is not necessarily bad, and the most suitable play equipment is selected according to the funding situation.

V. Their own conditions and local market demand

The selection of children's indoor playground equipment must first evaluate its own conditions, and consider the amount of investment, site area, overall site theme, etc., in order to select the appropriate amusement equipment.

The most important thing for children's paradise is to differentiate. Before planning the layout of the park, we should combine the distribution of equipment around the venue and the age of the children to make the most suitable plan for our own paradise.


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